Downtown Alley Improvement Project

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City of Livingston Launches 2025 Downtown Alley Improvement Project

The City of Livingston is preparing for the 2025 Downtown Alley Capital Improvement Project to upgrade critical infrastructure in the alley between Main Street and 2nd Street, from Callender Street to Geyser Street. Planned upgrades include replacing water and sewer mains, adding storm drains, repaving, installing new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, and modernizing street lighting.

Property owners in the project area are encouraged to replace aging galvanized or copper water service lines with durable CTS polyethylene lines. The City is also offering opportunities to upsize water services or add fire service lines. Sewer connections will be inspected for proper integration with new mains, with recommendations for replacements if needed.

Public input is a key part of the process, with two meetings scheduled at the Livingston Library Basement Conference Room on December 4 and December 19, 2024. 

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