Livingston Civic Center
229 River Drive, Livingston, MT 59047
Maggie Tarr, Recreation Director
What We Offer
Lap Swimming - Open to ages 15+
- Lanes are first come, first served - no saving lanes
- Swimmers must stay in lanes, please no swimming across lanes
- If all lanes are occupied please split the lane if 2 swimmers; 3+ "circle swim"
- Designated Lap Swim time is for just that, lap swimming - no other swim related activities permitted
- Please no loitering at the pool
Swim Lessons
The City of Livingston Pool utilizes Starfish Swimming swim lesson plans & achievement stages to better reflect our goal of children learning lifelong habits of water safety, swimming skills, and confidence in the water. Starfish Swimming is a nationally recognized swim instruction curriculum developed by the Starfish Aquatics Institute (SAI).
Parent & StarTot: For children 18 months - 3.5 years of age, and a parent/guardian.
Have fun learning how to prepare your child for a lifetime of swimming. Adults will be in the water with their child playing fun games, and learning proper holding techniques. A MT Health Code-approved swim diaper is required for this course if the child is not potty trained. (Swim diapers are available for sale at the front desk.)
White/Red (Formerly Preschool): For children 3.5 - 5 years of age.
The White/Red swim class gives young children a positive & developmentally appropriate aquatic learning experience that emphasizes safety, survival, and foundational swimming concepts.
Yellow (Formerly Level 1): For children aged 5 and up.
For graduates of the White/Red class, in the Yellow class we will begin to learn a foundational “Beginner stroke”, and how to change directions mid-swim. We will also be learning to tread water, dive for submersible objects, and how to swim on our backs.
Blue (Formerly Level 2): For children aged 5 and up.
For graduates of the Yellow class, in the Blue class we will begin to learn more safety skills such as “Reach or throw!”. We will also begin to learn streamlined kick-odds from the wall to further develop our technique, as well as the foundations for side breathing in a beginner/front stroke.
Green (Formerly Level 3): For children aged 6 and up.
For graduates of the Blue class, in the Green class we will begin to learn the technique for the “Front-crawl” or “Freestyle” stroke. We will also learn how to recover from disorienting entries into the pool. Participants who complete the Green level class and pass an assessment will earn the “Starfish Safer Swimmer” award!
Junior Swimming for Fitness (Formerly Level 4): For youth aged 11-14 years
Junior Swimming for Fitness (JSFF) will provide participants with the opportunity to further develop their swimming strokes & safety skills for lifelong aquatic fitness in a supervised environment.
Junior Aquatics: For youth aged 11-14 years
Junior Aquatics will provide participants with leadership & teaching skills in the aquatic environment by assisting our swim instructors with their daily lessons. The experience will help train for future employment and give participants an advantage to working at the Livingston City Pool. Junior Aquatics is run on the same schedule as our swim lesson sessions for two weeks, and there are AM & PM offerings.
Family/Public Swim - Open to all ages
- Children under 3 are not allowed in the pool without an adult or responsible person.
- Children 13 and under are not allowed at the pool without adult (18+) supervision or a Responsible Person (person age 14-18 years with a signed permission slip on file).
- Only adults are permitted to enter the pool area and not swim, all children are either expected to swim or leave the premises.
- The pool staff, management, and recreation staff reserve the right to ask anyone to leave the premises for the day, week, or full season based on witnessed behaviors.
Water Aerobics - Open to ages 15+ or with Approval from the instructor
The class is 60 minutes in length. In this fun-filled fitness class instructor uses exercise in the water to tone and strengthen muscles, relieve tension and stress and improve range of motion. This class provides a full-body workout. You will perform exercises, stretches, and activities in both shallow and deep water.