Project Description
Welcome to the Livingston Trails and Active Transportation Plan project. Livingston has always recognized the value of our outdoor parks, natural areas and the trails and pathways that connect us. During the pandemic, our community relied on these systems even more. Trails and pathways connected residents with nature and each other during a time of social distancing. Recognizing the value and service of our trail system and active transportation pathways, the Livingston Parks and Trails Committee along with the Active Transportation Coalition worked with the City of Livingston to launch this planning project. This important community project is supported by CARES Act funding.
A consulting team of planners, transportation and community health specialists has been contracted to develop the Livingston Trails and Active Transportation Plan over the next 6-8 months. The planning process has three major public input opportunities.
The first will focus on the vision of the plan and identify current obstacles to the transportation network and the locations and connections that are a priority for all community members.
The working vision for the plan that will be refined through public input is:
The Livingston Trails and Active Transportation Plan is a robust, timeless plan that has staying power beyond all of us, with specific goals, funding options, and commitment to maintenance. Through its implementation, the City, its people, and its partners will:
- Create citywide safe routes for people who walk, bike, and hike,
- Connect all neighborhoods to all schools and community gathering places,
- Construct a system that is safe and accessible for people with assistance needs,
- Prioritize routes for implementing year-round maintenance and management practices,
- Reconfigure streets and overcome major barriers; and
- Develop an extended trail system that connects to county roadways, trails and public lands.
The second round of public input will focus on bike/walkabouts, online forums to refine priorities and identify implementation strategies and a workshop focused on health impacts of an active transportation system.
Finally, the draft plan will be open for public comments and friendly amendments.

Looking Glass Academy:
The Looking Glass Academy is a capacity-building workshop to help citizens and local leaders understand trails and active transportation standards and policies.
Find out more:
How to Stay Updated:
Sign up to receive updates on the Plan at the following link:
A Plan that Leads to Action
The ultimate goal is to create trails and active transportation systems that are used by the community, not to create a plan. To support community investment and commitment to implement the following will be included:
A training workshop to engage and inform project sponsors and partners on the major elements of the plan.
A clear roadmap on how to implement the plan to maximize inclusive access and year-round use will be developed.
Implementation steps including design standards, safety features and realistic funding mechanisms will be identified.
Strategies on developing and maintaining trails and pathways through partnerships and community action will be outlined.
Project Steering Committee:
Mathieu Menard, Planning Department
Martha O’Rourke, Planning Department
Dave Eaton
Jeanne Marie Souvigney
Kris Dunn
Michael McCormick
Sarah Stands
Torrey Lyons
Consulting Team:
Don Kostelec, Project Management
Chris Danley, Field Assessment
Cathy Costakis, Health Analysis
Randy Carpenter, Policy Development
Jennifer Boyer, Public Involvement
The Trails and Active Transportation Plan was adopted by the City Commission as an appendix to the Livingston Growth Policy.