Other Resources

Community Closet

A local thrift store offering low-cost everyday items for individuals in need. Vouchers are available for those who meet eligibility criteria and cannot afford necessary purchases.

  • Location: 416 E. Park St., Livingston, MT 59047
  • Phone: (406) 222-6200


Livingston Area Chamber of Commerce

The Livingston Area Chamber of Commerce provides exposure opportunities for businesses by connecting with visitors, residents, and newcomers.

Services include:

  • Social media and website marketing
  • Networking events
  • Ribbon cuttings
  • Other promotional opportunities

Location: 303 E. Park St., Livingston, MT 59047
Phone: (406) 222-0850
Website: livingston-chamber.com


Livingston-Park County Public Library

Open to all residents seeking access to information, technology, and learning resources. Special services for seniors include:

  • Large-print books
  • Unabridged audiobooks
  • Computer and internet access

Bozeman Job Service visits the library to assist residents with:

  • Building a resume
  • Drafting cover letters
  • Navigating online job applications

Call for schedule and availability.

Location: 225 E. Callender St., Livingston, MT 59047
Phone: (406) 222-6200


Explore Livingston Montana

Explore Livingston Montana is a destination resource dedicated to promoting tourism, local businesses, and community events. Visitors and residents can find information on:

  • Dining, lodging, and shopping
  • Outdoor recreation and seasonal activities
  • Upcoming events and festivals
  • Visitor resources, maps, and guides

Location: Online resource
Phone: (406) 222-4848
Website: explorelivingstonmt.com



The information on this page is for general informational purposes only.

This content is maintained by the City of Livingston, and while we strive to keep it accurate and up to date, we make no representations or warranties—express or implied—regarding its completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability.

The City of Livingston does not answer questions regarding these services or organizations. For specific inquiries or assistance, please contact the organization directly.