Urban Renewal Agency

URA Boundary

It is the mission of the Livingston Urban Renewal Agency (URA) to assist with the revitalization of the Livingston downtown area. Board members serve a 4-year term in accordance with their bylaws. 

The URA, in partnership with downtown businesses and citizens, adopts, funds, and manages projects which:

  • Rehabilitate and redevelop blighted areas.
  • Provide public improvements.
  • Repair or rehabilitate deteriorated or deteriorating structures.
  • Improve infrastructure, facilities, and equipment leading to an increase in the health and safety of the downtown district.

For further details on urban renewal, see Title 7, Chapter 15, Parts 42 and 43 of the Montana Code Annotated.

By law, Grant priority will be given to programs that:

  • Rehabilitate or redevelop blighted areas.
  • Provide public improvements.
  • Repair or rehabilitate deteriorated or deteriorating structures.
  • Improve infrastructure, facilities and equipment leading to an increase in the health and safety of the downtown district.

Currently, the Livingston Urban Renewal Agency operates two grant programs: for facade improvements and to rehabilitate and develop residential spaces within the District. A description of each program follows with the guidelines included below. Both programs require an application to be submitted with appropriate documentation. Project approval is subject to the URA Board of Commissioners and all exterior modifications to properties within the Downtown Historic District must be approved by the City’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) before work begins and before any necessary building permits will be issued for the work. This includes new or modified signage.

Facade Improvements

The Facade Repair and Renovation Program provides financial assistance to property owners and/or tenants who desire to repair or rehabilitate the facades of buildings and properties within the District. Eligible projects may receive reimbursement of up to 50% of project costs not exceeding $100,000.

Residential Redevelopment

The Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program provides a resource to encourage the rehabilitation or development of residential spaces within the Livingston Urban Renewal District. Eligible projects may be awarded a grant for up to 50% of project costs not exceeding $250,000 per unit.

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Term End
Vice Chair
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City Citizen 
Term End
City Citizen
Term End
City Citizen
Term End
City Commissioner
Term End