City Commission


The Livingston City Commission acts upon all legislative matters concerning the City, approving and adopting all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other matters requiring overall policy decisions and leadership. The Commission appoints the City Manager, confirms the recommendation from City Manager regarding the Fire Chief, and confirms the membership appointment for boards and citizen advisory committee members, all of which ensure broad-based public input into the affairs of the City.

Commission Meeting Agendas and Meeting Schedules

Public Participation During City Commission Meetings

City Commission meetings occur on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the City-County Complex in the Community Room, unless stated otherwise. A virtual participation option is available. To join, go to the meeting agenda for the session you wish to attend (click here for the meeting list); the Zoom link will be highlighted at the top of the agenda.

To honor the Right of Participation and the Right to Know (Article II, Sections 8 and 9 of the Montana Constitution), modifications may be made to accommodate virtual public participation.

Watch Meetings:

Watch recordings on the City's YouTube account:
Watch recordings of past meetings on the City's webpage:
(Video recordings are generally uploaded to the website the day after the meeting)

Provide public comments in writing: 

Montana law requires public entities to include on the agenda for public meetings an item allowing public comment on any general matter not otherwise explicitly listed on the agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the entity.

  • Mail to: City Clerk, 220 E. Park St., Livingston, MT 59047 
  • Send comments using the "Contact Us" link in the top right corner of this page.
    Please include the agenda item or agenda item number in the message, and include your name and address, phone, and email address, including if you are a city resident.
    Please ensure that comments arrive before noon on the day of the meeting. Due to tracking and dissemination requirements, written communication must be received by that time to be shared with the City Commission and appropriate City staff for consideration during the agenda item and before the final vote on the matter; and, will be so noted in the official record of the meeting.

Scheduled Public Comments and other requests (Updated October 2021, via Ordinance No. 3015)

Commission agendas are set the Wednesday immediately following a regularly scheduled meeting, and packets are published that Friday. All requests from the public to be placed on the agenda must be sent to the City Manager by the Tuesday immediately preceding the next regularly scheduled Commission Meeting. Scheduled public comment presentation materials should be attached to the scheduling request. Email your request to and

For questions about this process call the City Manager's Office, at (406) 823-6000.




Term End
Melissa Nootz
Vice Chair
Term End
Karrie Kahle
Term End
Commissioner Lyons
Term End
Term End