Code Enforcement - Animal Control Documents

Kitten and Puppy

Animal Licensing

Per City Animal Ordinances, all dogs and cats over the age of four months must be licensed. You may purchase a license at the City of Livingston Finance Department. Persons knowingly violating this section are guilty of a civil offense.

Rabies Vaccination Requirements

Per City Ordinances, a current rabies vaccination is required for all dogs and cats over the age of six months. Please visit your veterinarian for the vaccination and obtain proof. An animal license will not be issued without proof of a current rabies vaccination.

A current registration and valid rabies certificate can help return your pet home safely. When an animal is brought into the shelter, staff first check for a microchip, then look for a license and/or rabies tag. If your registration is current, the shelter can easily contact you and let you know your pet is safe and waiting to be reunited with you.

Limit on Number of Dogs and Cats

City Ordinances limit the number of animals residents may own. No more than two (2) dogs are allowed per residence or location. Dogs under the age of four months are not included in this limit.

Dog Kennels and Catteries

Dog kennels or catteries are allowed per City Ordinances upon proper application, compliance with zoning requirements, and approval of a non-transferable license from the City.

For more information, see the links below or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. For details on licensing fees, call the City Finance Office at (406) 222-1142.