1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance 14. Public Comment 5. Consent Items 18-06-05 - CONSENT Approve minutes from 5.15.18 regular commission meeting 18-06-19 CONSENT Ratify Claims 6. Proclamations 18-06-05 - PROCLAMATION - Rodeo Days 7. Scheduled Public Comment 18-06-05 - SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENT - Downtown coalition to discuss parking and one way street 8. Public Hearings 9. Ordinances 10. Resolutions 18-06-05 - RESOLUTION NO. 4792 - Resolution of Intent to vacate alley on G Block 11. Action Items 18-06-05 - ACTION - D/A/D - Parks and Trails request to reconfigure north fence along Water Reclamation Facility property 18-06-05 ACTION - Request for parking restrictions from Dr. Jeffrey Dickerson - Livingston Veterinary Hospital 18-06-05 ACTION - Chamber of Commerce request for assistance in funding production of signs 18-06-05 ACTION - D/A/D - Fee waiver request from Chamber of Commerce for parade 18-06-05 - ACTION - D/A/D - potential financing for property owners for 50% of downtown sidewalk costs 18-06-05 - ACTION - D/A/D - Final approval for Discovery Vista 18-06-05 - ACTION - D/A/D - Kardoes contract 18-06-05 - ACTION - D/A/D - Livingston Organizational Strategic Plan 12. City Manager Comment 13. City Commission Comments 15. Adjournment Calendar of Events 18-06-05 Calendar of Events Supplemental Material