1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Consent Items 18-06-19 - CONSENT - Approve minutes from 6.5.18 commission meeting 18-06-19 CONSENT Ratify Claims 18-06-19 CONSENT - Approve Application of Matthew Ernest for Special Parking Space 18-06-19 CONSENT - Approve request of Community Health Partners for special parking space 6. Proclamations 7. Scheduled Public Comment 8. Public Hearings 18-06-19 - RESOLUTION NO. 4801 - vacation of barton alley 9. Ordinances 10. Resolutions 18-06-19 - RESOLUTION NO. 4799 -Performance Agreements with Performing Artists for Summerfest 2018 18-06-19 - Resolution No. 4800 - summerfest contract with Moon over Montana RESOLUTION 4793 RESOLUTION 4794 RESOLUTION 4795 RESOLUTION 4796 RESOLUTION 4797 RESOLUTION 4798 18-06-19 RESOLUTION NO. 4803 - WRF CHANGE ORDER 18-06-19 - Resolution No. 4804 - Phase III and IV 18-06-19 RESOLUTION NO. 4802 - MPEA CBA 18-06-19 - Resolution No. 4805 NWE 11. Action Items 18-06-19 ACTION - Request for fee waiver from Livingston Food Resource Center 18-06-19 - ACTION - Request for Street vacation at 500 Block of North D Street 12. City Manager Comment 13. City Commission Comments 14. Public Comment 15. Adjournment Calendar of Events 18-06-19 Calendar of Events Supplemental Material