Participating in the Meeting: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Consent Items 16-12-06 CONSENT - Approve minute from 11.15.16 Regular Commission Meeting 16-12-06 CONSENT Approve Bills and Claims 16-12-06 CONSENT - Approve members for Planning Board 16-12-06 CONSENT - Approve URA grant approval for Sleeping Giant Middle School 16-12-06 CONSENT - Request for waiver from Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch 16-12-06 CONSENT - Letter of Support for Homeward 6. Proclamations 7. Scheduled Public Comment 8. Public Hearings 16-12-06 PUBLIC HEARING - 4th Quarter Budget Amendment FY 2016 9. Ordinances 10. Resolutions 16-12-06 RESOLUTION Interim Financing for Water Reclamation Facility 16-12-06 RESOLUTION 4713 Xylem change order 16-12-06 RESOLUTION 4714 SIME Agreement 11. Action Items 16-12-06 ACTION - Submission of FY 2016 Audit 16-12-06 ACTION - Planning Board Recommendations 16-12-06 ACTION - Renewing contract with Courtney Lawellin 16-12-06 ACTION - discuss whether to have a meeting 12.20.16 12. City Manager Comment 13. City Commission Comments 14. Public Comment 15. Adjournment Calendar of Events 16-12-06 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Supplemental Material 16-12-06 SUPPLEMENTAL Public Works Update