Participating in the Meeting: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Consent Items 17-01-17 CONSENT - approve minutes from 1.3.17 Regular Commission Meeeting 17-01-17 CONSENT - APPROVE CLAIMS FOR 1ST HALF OF JANUARY 2017 17-01-17 CONSENT 2nd Quarter Pledged Securities Report 6. Proclamations 17-01-17 PROCLAMATION - Arbor Day Proclamation 7. Scheduled Public Comment 17-01-17 Scheduled Public Comment - Erica Hoffman City/County IT/GIS Manager 8. Public Hearings 9. Ordinances 10. Resolutions 11. Action Items 17-01-17 ACTION - Bruce Becker, President Livingston Rodeo Association re lease for vacant land adjacent to golf course driving range 17-01-17 ACTION - URA funding for vaults 17-01-17 ACTION - Discuss budget goals and budget planning for fiscal year 2017-2018 12. City Manager Comment 13. City Commission Comments 14. Public Comment 15. Adjournment Calendar of Events 17-01-17 CALENDAR Supplemental Material